Category: SEO Tutorials

  • The E-E-A-T Concept: Demonstrating Expertise in Accordance with QRG

    As is well known, E-E-A-T is not a ranking factor nor a measurable metric but a concept of how Google views what quality and well-ranked content should look like. Let’s break down step by step how to optimize our websites in accordance with this concept, based on research by very well respected in his field…

  • New study on the impact of Google SGE on SEO and what to do next

    Google plans to roll out Search Generative Experience (SGE) globally in the first quarter of this year once they are confident it will be well-received by users and not jeopardize their quarterly financial results. This was confirmed in Google’s official blog. However, there are several intriguing studies regarding the current generation of Search Generative Experience…

  • Authorship is not a Google ranking factor

    While studying Semrush’s report on ranking factors, I noted that according to their research: “there is no correlation between displaying authorship on a page (using markup) and its ranking.” Moreover, the relevant markup was found on only 5% of pages that ranked in the top 10 search results. Ranking Factors [Semrush Study] Immediately following,…

  • Checking Positions in Search Engine or where SEO begins

    Hi there, today I’ll begin with the basics. Every website owner wants to get their site to the first page of search results. After all, the higher the search ranking, the more organic traffic and potential customers one can attract. But how can one track the current positions and their trends? Many tools are available…