Finding keyword opportunities in Google Search Console

From my point of view, Google Search Console is the best tool, even if you don’t know much about Search Engine Optimization. In this case, don’t need to waste any budget on backlinks or spend a lot of time fixing technical issues with programmers. Just open the Performance report and play with filters and sorting to get the perfect keywords for enriching current content and achieving a better position in Google search.

Below, I will tell you how to better and faster find these keywords for current content among those that Google is already ranking.

Performance report

The report is located in the top section of the GSC dashboard and is the primary tool, including a set of filters, charts, and results table. To proceed with KW research, it is better to activate all tabs on the chart section for viewing all available parameters. Just click the “Average CTR” and “Average position” buttons. Total clicks and Total impressions are active by default.

Link to report:

Improving SEO for specific queries

Here, try to sort the results table with the “Position” column. And keep in mind “Clicks” and “Impressions”. Take the following keywords:

  • Average position between 5-20
  • Clicks between 0-10
  • And impressions the bigger, the better

This list of queries lets you get traffic by quickly modifying several parts of content: Meta and Text. Just check the presence of key phrases in Title, Description, and Content. Next, enrich the mentioned parts of the website with them. It is also a good list of anchors that can be used for link-building campaigns or internal links between the pages.

Pay attention to CTR

Clickthrough rate (CTR) in Google Search Results Page (SERP) can be improved easily and let the site acquire more clicks without changing a position in search results. Determine such a list:

  • Average position between 1-10
  • Lots of impressions
  • 0 or a few clicks

It means that Snippet in Google SERP has inaccurate descriptive text. That is a great point to improve this! Use Call To Action phrases like “Get results,” “Start earning,” or numbers “10 steps to success” or “15 best things to do” in the SEO title and description.

Do the same for specific pages

Go to the “PAGES” tab in a table. Pick a URL from the list with the same sorting technique. CTR can be improved by modifying Snippet in SERP. But by clicking the URL and jumping back to the QUERIES tab, open a list of keywords available only for this page. Do the following:

  • Find queries that already exist in site content
  • And separate another list without a presence in the content
  • Group them according to meaning

In the end, you will get a perfect opportunity to expand site content with these keywords and add value to page text even simply because the article’s topic will be revealed more fully. And ultimately, this will bring additional traffic and exposure to sites.

Finally, the possibilities that Google Search Console provides for SEO are almost limitless, and there is often no need for additional services for internal optimization. But if you are interested in buying links for external optimization and monitoring what competitors do, you may need other services for certain specific tasks.


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